Billy Adoption

Billy Adoption

Fourteen years ago (2011), Cathy Cavendish adopted a very special dog from us named Hildegard, and she lived a long and happy life with Cathy. This past Saturday, Cathy adopted her second dog from us, Billy, who we know will also have a long and happy life with her.
Billy came to us in March last year, along with his brother-from-another-mother, Hank. Because Cathy likes the big dogs, she offered to foster him. He was emaciated and had chronic diarrhea, but she took him anyway. We soon found out Billy suffered from a life-threatening disease called PLE, protein-losing enteropathy, that had gone undiagnosed for years.
RHS got him fixed up and, under the loving care of Cathy, who personally gave him B12 shots and took him to the vet regularly for blood tests, he slowly gained weight and is now healthy as a horse.
This is dedication. This is love. We are so grateful to Cathy, and to RHS and their team of amazing veterinarians for digging deep to get Billy the care he needs.
Have a happy life, Billy & Cathy.

Phone: 1.800.123.4567
Fax: 1.800.123.4566
San Francisco, CA 94102, US
1234 Some St