
Our pretty, fawn-colored Frenchie mix, Attie, was adopted yesterday during The Barking Project event! Most of you probably didn’t even know we had a dog named Attie in our system, did you? 🙂 She’s flown under the radar during her entire (and rather brief) time with RHS.

Attie was found by one of our volunteers, Melanie Y, who requested RHS bring the pup into our program. Melanie also found a foster family at the same time so we didn’t need to look for a place for her. It was obvious pretty early on that Attie was going to end up being adopted by her foster family so we never put her picture up on our webpage or anything. One of the easier dogs for us! Attie has made herself right at home in a busy family with a mom, dad, three teenagers and two other rescue dogs, Hunley and Max, to keep her busy and loved. And she’s keeping her name.

Thanks to Melanie for rescuing Attie and to Jennifer and family for fostering and adopting her!

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1234 Some St