Sancho Slocum
From his mom, Ashley: We loved that sweet but sassy little guy and miss him dearly. 😞 Here are a few of my favorites of him. I shared the ones
Learn moreFrom his mom, Ashley: We loved that sweet but sassy little guy and miss him dearly. 😞 Here are a few of my favorites of him. I shared the ones
Learn moreFrom his human, Chris: Snoopy was a wonderful pet. Neurotic from day one, he had severe separation anxiety that he never fully got over. It made him the happiest dog
Learn moreFrom her dad, Bob: My Peanut went to the Rainbow Bridge on Monday, the 11th. She was 16 years old, and pretty much at the end of her rope Her
Learn moreI’m sad to say that Izzy passed away on 12/1/2020. She had a cancerous lump on her back and once it finally opened up, it was time for her to
Learn moreToday we said goodbye to Tillman. We put him to sleep in the back yard, on his blanket in the sun. Tillman loved to be outside: running on empty beaches
Learn moreFrom Melissa Brand, granddaughter of Addie’s adopter, Patricia Campbell: I wanted to give you an update on Addie, my grandma’s dog she adopted from y’all. We had to let her
Learn moreHe always enjoyed being curled up in a couch or chair, or my lap if it was available! One of my favorite memories of Barney is about a little game
Learn moreOctober 3, 2020 (born 8/1/2003) From his mom, Mary Naish: I am so sad. Andy passed away yesterday. I tried to make him better, but he had fought as hard as
Learn more© 2024 Richardson Humane Society, a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.