

When Trey and Vanessa Rodriquez lost their beloved Husky, Clover, in late 2023, they took some time to grieve; and about the time they were thinking about bringing a new dog into their lives, one of their good friends (and Charlotte’s foster, Ashley) called to say they might want to meet Charlotte. They did, and it was love at first sight, so they started a trial adoption that would last until she could be spayed 6 months later.

Six months can seem like a very long time when you have an adolescent, Great Pyrenees living on the top floor of a high-rise apartment. There were some rough days, oh yes, but they knew they would be moving in a few months to a home with a yard, so they persevered. And we are so very glad they did. Charlotte is now in her new home, with a lovely backyard where she can take stock of her imagined flock, but mostly she just likes to hang out with her mom and dad.

Charlotte and her brother, Wilber, came to us when they were just 12 weeks old. Their family had an “oops” litter and had found homes for all the puppies but these two, so we agreed to take them in. Thank you to Cindy Chadwick for bringing these pups into our fold, to Laura Finley and family, and then to Ashley McMaster Martin and family, for fostering this sweet girl until she could find her forever family.

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