Mary Ann

Mary Ann

Another of the Gilligan’s Island litter has been adopted!  Pretty, fluffy-eared Mary Ann has decided that her foster family is the right one for her and they made it official on Thursday.  She joins a small family with a work-from-home Dad (who’s always around for cuddles!), a mom and a small human brother to grow up with.  They’re keeping her name; mom, Stacey, said it suits her spunky personality.  🙂

Mary Ann was fostered first by Linda B and family, and then she and her brother, Professor, were fostered by Stacey and her family.  They decided Mary Ann was the perfect fit for them, and, as we know, Professor (now Branch) moved to a new foster family who adopted him several weeks ago.  But the two siblings will be seeing more of each other; their humans recently discovered, quite by accident, that they live near each other and their human kiddos are very close in age, so they will be arranging family playdates soon!

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